Monday, January 24, 2011

Meet and Greet Event

WOW! The 'Meet and Greet Tech Panel Experts' event was GREAT!
The professionalism and discussion from our guests was excellent. They provided valuable insight, knowledge and conversation that was educational and informative for all the attendees. We had a two long time professionals representing the positions of a Systems Administrator and a Network Administrator as well as two Rasmussen ISM graduates who are successfully working in their fields of study. Each panel member discussed her/his experience and journey through education and employment. The attendees shared thoughts, comments, questions and a few good sandwiches over the course of the two hour event.

Based on the discussion we all walked away understanding, working in the IT field requires a desire for life long learning, being a strong self starter, effective communication skills, patience, and numerous other intangible characteristics. The career field is rewarding and can take you in many directions. Each panel expert agreed, expectations are often limited compared to potential achievement, so remain open to opportunity. The field is in high demand and the outlook for the future is positive.

I would like to thank each of the expert panel members for their time and effort, the attendees for their attention and interest and the team from admissions at Rasmussen for all of your support and effort making this a success.

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